Saturday, September 9, 2023
Day Retreat: The Four Temperaments
Retreat Director: Fr. Ignatius M. Manfredonia, FI
Join us for a one-day retreat led by Fr. Ignatius
and delve into understanding the 4 temperaments,
yours in particular, and what role they play
in the work of sanctification.
9:00 am Rosary Friary Chapel
9:30 am 1st Conference St. Anthony’s Conf. Room
10:15 am Private Reflection/Confessions St. Anthony’s Confessionals
11:00 am 2nd Conference St. Anthony’s Conf. Room
12:15 pm Holy Mass Friary Chapel
1:00 pm Midday Prayer Friary Chapel
1:15 pm Lunch (bring your own) St. Anthony’s Hall
2:30 pm 3rd Conference St. Anthony’s Conf. Room
3:15 pm Private Reflection
3:45 pm Exposition, Meditation, Friary Chapel
Vespers, Rosary, Benediction
5:30 pm End of Retreat
In order to foster an atmosphere of peace and prayer,
participants are asked to maintain silence
as far as possible throughout the day.
Cost: free will donation
Limited space, registration required with Fr. Jacinto: 607-754-0001